Sunday 20 February 2011


Answer the following in two or three sentences each :
1. Comment on the abrupt opening of Spenser's 'One day I wrote her name .........'. ?
                 The opening of the sonnet is peculiar to Spenser's  trick and artistry. His uneasiness and anxiety are expressed in the way he opens the poem. There is no room for elaboration and hence no scope for metaphorical extravagance. That is why the abrupt opening of the sonnet.

2. How does Spenser create the ambience of tender love in his sonnet 75 ?
                  His lover says that she is liable to decay and perish like the writing in the sand. But the poet declares that he will makes her name eternal in his poem and write her name glorious in the havens. he creates the ambience of tender love through the masterful trick of great range of vowel sounds within a single line.

3. Why is the lover worried about mortality ?
                   The lover writes the name of his love in strand, but it is washed by the wave. He writes again with a 'second hand', but that also is washed away by the tide. The lover is worried with the though that his love will also be washed away in the sweeping tide of time.

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